Monday, September 5, 2011

Me,world, universe and you

ME :
When asked  to define themselves, people come up with a huge list of bombastic adjectives and phrases and to my dismay, i turn speechless when the "About Me: " pops up! And let me clearly state (don't blame me later) that me being speechless is an 'endangered me'. I am a day dreamer because i cant control my dreams at night. So, being practical as always I like to dream with a conscientious mind and lets not go to the part where they come true or not (what will i write in other posts then??).
As always, when there is no choice but to answer the "About me: " i take a huge pause  and say/write :
When i don't have something, I substitute it with CONFIDENCE
And it works! Its 100% tested and proven (by me only but you can try and share your results). Somehow I solve/tackle/face most of my problems with this formula. Oh and very important! This line is not copied. Its my copyright until unless someone proves it otherwise.
Now something which comes in hand with me and my thoughts is my cup of coffee. Addiction to coffee is my birth right, I would have included shopping, watching movies,travelling, chatting and reading random stuff on the list too but these either consume a lot of time or money.


Thankfully, there is an option given to us to come out of the "me" cocoon into the world which is meant to be real but again fantasies have no limits. But here as a personal choice I prefer the former because the real world is so beautiful with loved ones around and comfy materialistic things! I am no saint and for me everything that glitters is as good as gold (which is right now hitting record high btw!)

Now GOLD to me has a wide range- irritating my family and still see them smile - acting all stupid and turning back to see my friends standing with their thumbs up - bossing around my cousin and watching him do my work - eating or deciding menu -no matter how it goes but the feeling after last exam-  notifications on social networks... ( yeah i need to get a life!)
This blog is my attempt to connect to rest of the world and share my thoughts (which go too random at times).

 The things which disappoint and dishearten me are those dark spots which are not only the impurities in our society but also a shame which every human wears. Being a citizen of this world I would be more than happy to fight against these dark spots. I would address such issues in later posts ( i need material for other posts too!!).


So, my concept of universe remains the same even after the new (hypothetical) planet is discovered, they call it Tyche I suppose (what kind of name is that? ok lets not go there). Here i bring that fantasy world which i talked about earlier in this post. Universe to me is something i have never seen (No i don't work in NASA) but believe in its presence. This is the creative and fairy-tale part of my life which i want to believe will come true ONE DAY! Universe is my relationship with that "force" ( i also call it God) that is a mystery which i never want to solve.
Oh and also i have a tiny-miny interest in astrology because i am a firm believer of the fact that universe has a plan and everything plays its part somewhere to make it happen!!!


 This is for my unknown readers who i am sure are very patient human beings to have come a long way reading this post. I don't know whats going on in that mind of yours but your comments will be of great help and i intend to blog when i have something interesting to talk about. If u like this then YAY!!! and if you didn't then give me some time to get better.
This blog post is to be completed by YOU!


  1. very nice first post... brings out the real you quite perfectly :)

  2. Well to tell you the truth i loved this piece
    It has genuinity and a certain mystery to it which will keep the reader thinking and waiting for your next post. . .
    Personally i'd say quoting "It's like a breath of fresh air" :-)

  3. Hey Pakhs..
    I must admit that I don't have n e idea bout this Pakhi... I know some one else or may be the one i know was a younger u... U seem to have grown a lot n thinking deep as well...

    For this blog I would say I dint understand everything u wanted to say but I would wait to read more of u...

  4. good to read ur posts. gives an insight to thr transitions u hv experienced. happy blogging.
